In a recent devotional that my home church posts everyday, our pastor quoted Johnathan Edwards (as he often does):
Eternity depends on the improvement of time. But when once the time of life is gone, when once death is come, we have no more to do with time; there is no possibility of obtaining the restoration of it, or another space in which to prepare for eternity. ~ Jonathan Edwards
This reminded me of a study our women’s group went through, “Redeeming the Time” by Edwina Patterson. It was based on the passage Ephesians 5:16. I don’t remember everything about the study, but one thing I recall from it was the idea of taking into account the way we spend our time. The biggest thing that stuck with me…in chapter two, Patterson stated, “Any part of the day not surrendered to God is a day lived in sin. It is wasted!” Although I don’t totally agree with that statement as is, it did grab my attention and cause me to understand that time is precious. That I cannot go back and retrieve any moments spent in vain (spent on things that have no eternal value). Since that study, I have become more focused on relationships (especially the most important one…with God) and things with eternal value. My dishes don’t get washed as often, my clothes are not perfectly put away (like I want them to be), and my life is lived in a much more flexible mode (I have a schedule but am willing to throw it out the window if there is an opportunity to fellowship or witness).
So in keeping with deciding what is most important…where my focus should, I find another statement from the same article by Jonathan Edwards to be very convicting for my use of time, especially as it pertains to sharing my faith:
If a man should lose the whole of his worldly substance, and become a bankrupt, it is possible that his loss may be made up. He may have another estate as good. But when the time of life is gone, it is impossible that we should ever obtain another such time. All opportunity of obtaining eternal welfare is utterly and everlastingly gone. ~ Jonathan Edwards