Peace & Joy

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Peace & Joy

Scroll down for family updates

Snail Mail Update Coming Soon!

If you have been on my mailing list very long, you are used to getting my yearly recap in January or later. I do this because I never seem to be able to pull it all together in time (family photo, printing the letter, stamping, sending, etc.). But it has been brought to my attention (more than once) that I should send it in November/December so people can take advantage of end of the year giving opportunities. So that’s what I will be doing. Consider this a sneak peak to your snail mail update.

If you have had a change of address or haven’t gotten any updates in the mail, please email your address to me here. This mailing will include my most recent prayer/photo card that you may (or may not) want to display on you refrigerator.

End of Year Giving

Help us stay online!In 2015, over 2.5 million people in over 130 countries used‘s online ministry resources. However, a website with 9,000 resources that are free for users… is not free to operate. These users are mostly in third world countries where theologically sound and trusted resources are hard to find and harder to obtain. My ministry team’s vision is to continue to provide these resources and to make the site more secure and easier to use with the growing popularity of mobile internet use.

Help us stay online!We are working toward many goals in 2016 and beyond that involve streamlining workflow, managing resource teams (translators and resource uploading) in several countries, and launching video mini courses (think course development, script writing, video production, etc.). As the demand grows, the need grows too.

Please consider a monthly commitment of $20 or more to help sustain this ministry. If you participate in end of the year gifts, I would be honored to be included in that as well.

As always, you can give online by going here. Your giving will be greatly multiplied with the ministry’s global reach.

Family Updates

Scot & I will be celebrating our two year anniversary at the end of December! I can hardly believe it. Time seems to fly by. We have enjoyed getting to know the people at Grace Bible in Dallas and I am slowly getting to know the people in our neighborhood. Walking the dog and chasing Georgia (she escaped and ran down to the elementary school where a teacher caught her) provides many opportunities to greet people. I have also been enjoying a monthly Bunco game (basically a bunch of ladies laughing and being silly for an evening) with a group of ladies in the neighborhood. I have found some sweet new friends by stepping out of my comfort zone to meet people.

I’m sure you will notice the photo of the Christmas decorations (below). For those of you who know me well, this is a major accomplishment for me. Yes! I actually did the decorating. Usually my kids do it since I am never really in the “mood” to get all “christmassy”. Thankfully, life feels different for me now and I have more joy in my heart… even this time of year. I thank God for his healing in that area and for the people he has given me who love me. More people than we realize struggle during the holidays. Say a prayer for them when you think of it.

Scot is still flying around the metroplex in the mornings telling everyone what traffic to avoid. We ask for your prayers as his dad continues to battle cancer and the pain that goes with it. He is back in the hospital right now recovering from dehydration and will need some therapy to regain his strength. His last hospital stay was over a month long. Also pray for Scot and his siblings as they deal with juggling daily lives and making sure that their dad is cared for and comfortable. UPDATE: Scot’s dad went home from the hospital, but fell yesterday. He has a couple of broken bones and is back in a Shreveport hospital. Please continue sending prayers for him!

Peachy Page FarmWe celebrated my mom’s 80th birthday in October. That woman is so amazing. She does way more stuff than I can even think of. I hope that I have her energy when I am 80… not sure how I can think that… I don’t even have that kind of energy now! The celebration was a fun outdoor meal in a peach orchard in Scurry! My brother flew in from Florida to surprise her. It was an evening to remember.Peachy Page Farm

This time of year is especially busy for everyone, and I am no exception. Even with our women’s Bible studies taking a break for the holiday season, I feel overwhelmed. I am taking a couple of coding classes to keep sharp with the website work (more on that in the ministry section above), plus holiday parties and meetings to fit in… and doing a little side work to help fill financial gaps. If you have ever had foundation work on your home, you can probably feel our pain. Thankfully, there are payout plans!

Natalie: Not much new to report here. Joseph and I got to visit her over Thanksgiving while Scot stayed home to work (traffic on Thanksgiving??? Yes). It was great catching up and just enjoying the company. We had the big turkey dinner at her boyfriend’s (Carl) family’s home. We officially “stuffed” ourselves!Waxahachie

Amanda & Casey: They did it! They are all moved in (not quite settled in) to their new home. They are in a great neighborhood with a community playground and plans for further development. The dogs are happy now that they can go out in the backyard and be crazy without a leash!

Joseph: It has been awesome having him living here with us. But he has a change coming up soon. He just accepted a job working at the Texas Capitol during the upcoming legislative session. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with our political process (beyond the marketing part that I was a part of while he was growing up). So, all of my Austin peeps, let me know if he can add you to his list of contacts. It never hurts to have people you can call in a pinch. He is still working out housing and will be starting work the first week of January.

peace joy christmas treeTis’ the Season

In closing, during the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations, please know that we appreciate all of you and are thankful for your prayers and support. You are in our prayers as well. Take time to stop for a little while to just “BE” with your family and friends and enjoy the time you have with them.

“Here’s a word you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I’m proof—Public Sinner Number One—of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy. And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever.
Deep honor and bright glory
    to the King of All Time—
One God, Immortal, Invisible,
    ever and always. Oh, yes!”                   1 Timothy 1:15-17   The Message

Be a part of the ministry!

You can pray, give a one-time monetary gift, and/or commit to monthly financial support. Your financial support will help insure the online ministry will continue.

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