Nicaragua Update

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Nicaragua Update

Thank You!

To everyone who donated, bought supplies, and prayed… thank you! We had a productive trip. It’s amazing to see how God works around the world.

I had Scot draw from the pool of names of those who gave toward my trip to Nicaragua. Dana Clifford of Grass Valley California (I promise it wasn’t rigged!) won the painting. I’ll soon be mailing the postcard prints to everyone else who donated or purchased items from the Amazon Wish List.

Getting There

It’s been a long time since I’ve traveled with a group of people. But if you know me, you know I love hanging out with teenagers! So it was a bit nostalgic for me as I rememberd the days in Honduras with my own kids (and others). The Miller family did not disappoint! I’m so thankful to have spent some time with them and worked side by side with this committed crew. We also met up with a group from their previous church to work together as a team. There’s nothing as rewarding as working alongside other believers while serving people. Both encouraging local workers in Christ as well as reaching out to those who desperately need to find Jesus.

Where We Served

Bird’s eye view from the back of the ministry property. Jeffrey and Maricela have dedicated their lives to enriching the lives of the barrio children (and families) by creating a safe place for them to play, learn about Jesus, be discipled, and eat a hot meal (at least 3 meals a week). The property on the other side of the wall is owned by the local drug lord. This safe haven is a much needed part of the community to steer it’s youth toward a better life than a life of drugs.

Training in a Trade

As we prepared for the trip, Maricela had been praying for someone who could teach some of the young adults associated with the ministry to cut hair so they could have a viable way of earning an income to feed their families. This need was announced at our initial discovery meeting and Scot and I knew that I was supposed to go. My years of cutting hair when the kids were young gave me the exact skills needed to train them in basic hair cutting.

There were ten students registered. Six showed up. It was obvious some had already been experimenting. My class came from a “professional” angle, teaching them how to communicate with their clients, how to share their faith, how to keep their tools clean, and basic hair cutting theory that could evolve as they hone their skills. As we finished up the two-day course, the students were very appreciative and expressed that they had gained much confidence in their skills. Each student went home with the kits you purchased on Amazon so they would have the tools to begin earning an income doing hair.


We also took a day to serve a camp ministry that was in need of some grounds work a couple of hours away. Per usual, I was put on paint duty. No complaints from me! The others were doing the hot, sweaty yard work. I like to do that too, but I can’t pass up a little painting. Even if it was just one color. Blue is my favorite color anyway!

In the photo below, that clean and beautiful plant bed started out full of weeds.The team worked several hours to get all of them out. And all of the green in the background had to be cleared of debris before it was mowed. Hard but satisfying work for the team.

The young lady on the right is Cali. She was my roommate for the second half of our trip. Refreshing to hear about her commitment to support missionaries on a regular basis. This was her first trip out of the country to visit a ministry she supports.

Anticipating Shop Day

Back to Juigalpa. Three days a week, children are served a hot meal and receive much needed hugs, encouragement, and opportunities to memorize scripture and earn reward points. Their points accumulate for six months, and twice a year they have a “shop day” where they can spend their points on any items in their “store”. We planned our trip to coincide with this major event so they would have ample help on hand to get everything ready.

Although they have a few toys and trinkets available for the kids, those items are usually the last thing they spend their points on. Popular items are always basic food needs for their family. The mattresses are a hit as well. Maricela and Jeffrey make frequent home visits before shop day to understand the families’ needs so they can make items available that are the most helpful. Simple items can make the biggest difference in the daily life of a child.

Several teens/young adults help keep things running throughout the year. They earn points too and are able to redeem them on shop day. These girls are an amazing gift from God to the ministry. There are several boys too (you can see a couple in the background). These are kids that have grown up in the ministry and have met Jesus along the way. Maricela and Jeffrey are discipling and training them to serve the Lord even when they have minimal resources. Pray God will protect them from the downfalls of their environment and and pray for what He has in store for their future service in His name.

The girl on my right with the green shirt is Ada. She helped with our translation during our stay. She is always there to help and on the days that Maricela can’t make it, she makes sure all of the cooking and cleaning gets done. She’s 16 and has an amazing commitment to serving the Lord.

Barrio Tour

As Jeffrey walked us through the barrio that their ministry serves, we saw devastating poverty, but there was also joy and hope. As we went by each home (sometimes not more than a lean-to for protection from the elements), children would run up with giant smiles on their faces and hug him. They have been greatly touched by the love being poured upon them by Jeffrey and Maricela and those who work with them.

We have so much here in the states, yet we complain when the TV won’t work right or we are missing an ingredient for a new recipe. These people wonder where their next meal will come from. Yet they are touched by hope. And if they haven’t committed to a life with Jesus yet, they still see the hope being shared with them. Pray with me that those who haven’t yet will accept the eternal hope that they’re being introduced to through this ministry.

Jeffrey and Maricela are missionaries, but they haven’t left their home town. They are working to spread the good news and love of Jesus to the people near them. It’s what we have all been commissioned to do once we accept the forgiveness of our Savior. Yes, we need cross-cultural missionaries, but we need people to stay and evangelize in their own home. If we don’t “go” we still need to have focused intent to share with our family, our neighbors and beyond.

And support goes both ways. I’m always asking for financial support for my official ministry. But I also support other missionaries. And I’ve received support from other missionaries as well. We all work together to fill the needs of our family in Christ. The financial part isn’t just about the money. It’s knowing that someone else is working with you in the giant commission that we are all are part of through Jesus Christ.

Partnership Opportunity

You may want to partner with me in my work with Avant Ministries. Our insurance costs jumped this year and I’m still significantly under financed. Please consider joining my team or slightly raising your giving amount to help with the added expenses. Click here or the button below and use Jessica Jenkins as the missionary name for online giving at this link

Allow Me to Share

Please consider allowing me to speak to your small group or organization about the work we are doing to train missionaries from the Global South to reach the unreached.

Be a part of the ministry!

You can pray, give a one-time monetary gift, and/or commit to monthly financial support. Your financial support will help insure the online ministry will continue.

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