🎶 Ch ch ch Changes 🎶
I’m sure you all have heard about the Camino Global and Avant Ministries merge. It is now official! Read this post by one of my fellow missionaries in Mexico. He’s from Canada, so it has a little spin on it from his perspective…but we won’t hold that against him(thanks Jim).
I’ve been busy updating payment logistics for Obrero Fiel to accomodate the merge, so I haven’t had a chance to rebrand my personal communications. I will have a new email address and things will look a little different (new logo), but I’ll still receive what goes to the old address for a long time. So if you are trying to reach me, I’ll get it. Be looking for “snail mail” with new prayer cards. Email your mailing address to me if you’ve never received paper from me before!
I’ll have a little more information about the merge and how it affects me personally in my next update…still trying to iron a few things out. You should have already received instructions about your monthly support payments from Camino/Avant(see image of insert from Camino communications). If you haven’t, please let me know and I’ll make sure you get that information. To begin now, you can go straight to the Avant website here to give online. Be sure to enter Jessica Jenkins in the “Missionary Name” field. Please be praying for all of the Camino missionaries… it isn’t uncommon to lose supporters in an agency merge like this. Although it is exciting, there will be several challenges to overcome during the next several months.
Back Surgery Isn’t For Sissies!
First, I want to thank everyone who prayed for me during my surgery and are still praying during my recovery! This has been the hardest, most painful experience I have gone through. I barely remember the first week… and the following weeks, I’d really just like to forget. But, I remember and cherish the notes, visitors, food, and prayers from everyone! My recovery seems to be on track for success. I’m now in physical therapy three days a week and allowed to drive some(avoiding the highways). I can walk without pain! That hasn’t been true for more than a year before the surgery. I didn’t realize how much pain I was in until it wasn’t there anymore. The first time they made me walk in the hospital, I knew it was better…even with all of the surgical pain, I could tell the main issue was gone. Praise the Lord! Now, I just need to be patient in the recovery process to make sure I strengthen my core and don’t do anything to hinder the fusion of the rods and my vertebrae. If you have a strong stomach, I’ve provided links to x-rays of my new “hardware”…click here and here to see.
Winry turned one year old in June! I can’t believe how time flies. Scot and I got to keep her on her very first overnight stay away from Mommy and Daddy so they could have some adult fun. She did great and was very patient with Bee Bee (me) and her inability to play on the floor. She is so smart and the cutest little thing you ever did see!